Design for an Orthodox Church in Amish Country

I was recently asked to design a new chapel for Saint Gregory Palamas Orthodox Monastery in Perrysville, Ohio. It is an especially pleasing project for me because the site is located in the heart of the most idyllic Amish farm country – rolling hills, huge simple barns, elegant Victorian farmhouses, quiet roads with horse-drawn buggies.…

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  Editor’s note: I had the great privilege of traveling to Russia in 2006 with Fr. Ilya Gotlinsky of Orthodox Tours. It was a superb experience, in every respect. Fr. Ilya leads tours regularly, but I would like to call attention to a special upcoming tour – a pilgrimage tour that will visit Russia’s most…

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Two New Choros Chandeliers

I have had the opportunity recently to make and install two choros chandeliers, a type of fixture that is of particular interest to me as a designer. I have written previously about similar chandeliers I have installed in churches in Charleston, South Carolina, and Waldorf, Maryland, and I refer readers to those articles for information…

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A Carved and Inlaid Cross, a Collaborative Work

I have recently completed a small but highly interesting project, two years in the making, and involving several master artisans. It is a wooden cross with carved stone icons, crafted like a jewel, wholly traditional, and yet quite unlike anything seen before. This is one of those projects that grew, perhaps providentially, from an initially…

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Andrew Gould featured in Road to Emmaus Journal

I have had the great honor of being interviewed for the Road to Emmaus Journal. In June of this year, I spent a week with editor Mother Nectaria (McLees), discussing the art and architecture of the Orthodox Church. It was a marvelous and fruitful experience, and I am truly humbled that my words were found…

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An Interview with Iconographer Julia Bridget Hayes

  Julia Bridget Hayes is a talented iconographer working in Greece. Her work is a truly wonderful example of creativity within tradition. We asked to interview her and to share these images of her work that she might become better known to our readers. A. Gould: Julia, you were born in South Africa, but now…

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