“Beauty Will Save Us”: Fifth Annual Climacus Conference this February in Louisville

Note – The conference organizers have just announced that the conference will be postponed for one year. It will be held February 12-14, 2015. ____________________________________________________________________________ The Climacus Conference is a clas­sical Chris­tian intel­lectual/spiri­tual event feat­uring scho­lars and voices across the fields of Theo­logy, Philo­sophy, Clas­sical Educa­tion, Litera­ture, and Hist­ory/Poli­tics. It is unique in that it…

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The Cave in The Nativity Icon

Just as the Ass and the Ox, the cave portrayed in the nativity icon is not specifically mentioned in Scripture as being the birthplace of Christ.  In fact, St-Luke’s account does not say exactly where Christ was born, only that The Holy Virgin lay him in a manger.  So why a cave? Why not a little…

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Visualising Late Antiquity

    Those of us practicing iconography and various church arts often work with ancient techniques, pigments, tools and materials which express the liturgical meaning of the subject.  We strive for the union of the medium with the message, to put it in current parlance and simplify. Here is a new website where artist Will…

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