The Dragons that Almost Exist

Explaining the icon of St-George slaying the dragon to a 4 year old is amazing. Explaining the icon of St-George to a 10 year old is excruciating — “Yeah, but dragons don’t exist, do they?”. Do they? When someone tells you that dragons don’t exist or that monsters don’t exist, what is it they are…

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The Idea of Canonicity in Orthodox Liturgical Art

First published in Composing and Chanting in the Orthodox Church: Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Orthodox Church Music, Joensuu: ISOCM/University of Joensuu, 2009, 337-342  © 2009 Ivan Moody All rights reserved.   The Idea of Canonicity in Orthodox Liturgical Art Ivan Moody  “Divine beauty is transmitted to all that exists, and it is…

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Sacred Space, Sacred Art and The Power of Women

We live in a confused time.  Many of the basic foundations which hold the world together have been made fragile.   Up/down, center/periphery, inside/outside have all been eroded in their power to frame existence as we watch floodwaters rise around us.  One of the foundations systematically attacked through sophisticated rhetoric and political ideology is the complementary…

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