Conserve or Restore? A Question of Ancestor Kisses
Conserve: To protect from loss or harm; to keep quantity and quality constant through physical or chemical reactions or evolutionary changes. Restore: To bring back into existence or use; to return to an original condition. Close in definition, the differences when applied to art treasures can be catastrophic. Consider the botched effort to “restore” Elías…
Continue reading »Notes on Method
St. Mamas of Caesarea by Fr. Silouan Justiniano. Egg tempera on wood, 46 in. x 31 in. One has to know technique, but one also needs to know art. An icon should be like a ‘painting’, like a prayer written with beautiful letters…There are many craftsmen, but few real iconographers. Make an icon, a…
Continue reading »Jordan Peterson, Religious Symbolism and Popular Culture
For 5 years now I have been writing on many subjects for OAJ. Most of my attention has been to elucidate the patterns in iconography and liturgical arts and how these patterns relate to Scripture, to other traditions all the while acting as a map of how we should live in the world as Christians.…
Continue reading »Divine Patterns in the Life of Moses
This is post 2 of 2 in the series “Divine Patterns In Story and Image” Jonathan Pageau traces the patterns in Biblical stories and the Church Fathers, showing how they repeat themselves everywhere and act as a cosmic map. Divine Patterns in Story and Image pt.1 Divine Patterns in the Life of Moses Divine Patters…
Continue reading »Divine Patterns in Story and Image pt.1
This is post 1 of 2 in the series “Divine Patterns In Story and Image” Jonathan Pageau traces the patterns in Biblical stories and the Church Fathers, showing how they repeat themselves everywhere and act as a cosmic map. Divine Patterns in Story and Image pt.1 Divine Patterns in the Life of Moses Part 1:…
Continue reading »Making Art with an Axe
As we have just passed through the season of Theophany, I have been brought to ponder what Theophany means for art, especially liturgical art. The icon of Theophany offers much to reflect upon as we gaze at the elements it brings together. Just as in our lives and in the world, in the making of Christian…
Continue reading »The Sacred Arts Initiative “Rethinking Sacred Arts”
The Sacred Arts Initiative “Rethinking Sacred Arts” A Review Although the task of OAJ has mainly been to work towards the promotion of the revival of traditional Orthodox liturgical arts, along the way we have not hesitated to engage the sphere of secular art. This has not only been relegated to a critique of its…
Continue reading »Judge and Victim : The Two Images of Christ
There are two basic images of Christ in the Church, each marking one of the two poles which hold the very limits of the cosmos. The first image is that of the Pantocrator and its derivatives, essentially Christ shown in the guise of a glorious emperor, both the origin and the final judge of the…
Continue reading »The Altar and The Portico (pt.2): Gallery Art
This is post 2 of 2 in the series “The Altar and The Portico” Aidan Hart explores the relationships and differences between sacred art and secular gallery art. The Altar and The Portico (pt.1) The Altar and The Portico (pt.2): Gallery Art THE SACRED AND THE SECULAR The Relationship of Orthodox Iconography and Gallery Art…
Continue reading »The Altar and The Portico (pt.1)
This is post 1 of 2 in the series “The Altar and The Portico” Aidan Hart explores the relationships and differences between sacred art and secular gallery art. The Altar and The Portico (pt.1) The Altar and The Portico (pt.2): Gallery Art THE ALTAR AND THE PORTICO (PT.1) The Relationship of Orthodox Iconography and Gallery…
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