Orthodox Church Design Featured in The Pennsylvania Gazette

By Andrew Gould on March 10, 2020

Newly built chapel at Saint Gregory Palamas Greek Orthodox Monastery, designed by Andrew Gould.

My design work for Orthodox Churches has been featured in an article in The Pennsylvania Gazette, the magazine of University of Pennsylvania (my alma mater). It includes an interview discussing how I came to my vocation and my philosophy of traditional church design, followed by a lengthy excerpt from the book Charleston Fancy.

I am pleased that this article can expose a wider audience to contemporary Orthodox liturgical arts, and offer a link to it here in case it may be of interest to our readers.

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  1. Emily S on March 12, 2020 at 8:22 am

    Dear Mr Gould
    I read the article in The Pennsylvania Gazette and what a wonderful piece. Your work is exceptionally beautiful in an era of mostly awful and depressing architecture. Thank you for bringing the article to our attention. May your work and talent be blessed for many years to come!

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