Woodwork for a Coptic Church in America

I have recently had the pleasure of making an altar set for a Coptic church. This project was somewhat of a challenge for me because the Coptic Church and her liturgical art is not my area of expertise. I had to learn about both the liturgical implements and the historical styles of woodwork unique to…

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New Georgian Chant Tours

Our friends at Georgian Chant have announced two new tour itineraries this summer that sound quite wonderful. Here is their press release: Trip of a Lifetime In celebration of our tenth season, our team has split our original package tour into two separate tours. With so much to do and see, these new selections offer…

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An Icon of the Kingdom of God: The Integrated Expression of all the Liturgical Arts – Part 12: Incense – Heavenly Fragrance and Transfigured Light

This is post 12 of 12 in the series “An Icon of the Kingdom of God” Andrew Gould gives a unifying vision of how all the liturgical arts complement each other to create a living icon of the Kingdom of God. An Icon of the Kingdom of God: The Integrated Expression of all the Liturgical…

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An Inlaid Gospel Cover

  The idea for this gospel cover began several years ago. I discussed with Jonathan Pageau the possibility of  using his stone carvings as inlaid icons in wooden liturgical pieces. He is able to carve the steatite stone slabs quite thin so that the weight is reasonable even for a book cover. I based the…

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Completion of Dome Fresco in Santa Rosa, CA

A masterpiece of iconography has recently been completed at St. Seraphim of Sarov Orthodox Church in Santa Rosa, CA (OCA). The dome is the work of Fr. Patrick Doolan, a renowned iconographer trained by Leonid Ouspensky. He and his assistant, Fr. Moses, painted the dome in true fresco over the course of the past year.…

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Announcing the Orthodox Illustration Project

It is my particular pleasure to introduce the Orthodox Illustration Project – an initiative under the aegis of the Orthodox Arts Journal. In brief, the purpose of the project is to make available online a collection of graphic illustrations of the highest quality. The collection will focus on iconographic drawings and related graphic ornaments stylistically…

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