Byzantine Chapel in Myra Found Under Deep Mud

By Jonathan Pageau on January 14, 2013

A recent NY Times article relates the finding of parts of the ancient city of Myra, the home of no one less than St-Nicholas himself.  It seems the town was buried under mud during flooding several centuries ago.

Archeologists are excavating the pristinely preserved chapel with its fresco and altar.  The article has a few pictures.  The fresco has some interesting variations, with the deisis representing the Theotokos and the Forerunner holding scrolls with text on them rather than with just their hands up in supplication.

the full article can be found here.

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  1. Orthodox Collective on January 14, 2013 at 9:26 am

    […] Jan 14th 8:23 amclick to expand…Byzantine Chapel in Myra Found Under Deep Mud, Jan 14th 8:00 amclick to expand…Los Angeles Lawyer Gives House To Homeless Family […]

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