A New Performance of “Two Paths Diverged at the Wood”

By Nicholas Kotar on February 15, 2013
For those who were inspired by Conquering Time’s creative mission (described in detail here and here ), you may be interested to know that there is a new performance of “Two Paths Diverged at the Wood”, a creative retelling of the life of the Good Thief, being presented on Sunday February 17 at the Maliotis Cultural Center at Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theolgy in Brookline, MA.
The Holy Cross  Choir will be joined by St. Tikhon’s Seminary Mission Choir, Holy Trinity Seminary Choir, and the Eastern American Diocesan Youth Choir in the performance, which features sacred music of the East and the West, as well as readings from the Old and New Testaments and classic literature.  The concert is open to the public and free of charge. Seats will be available on a first-come, first-save basis, as no tickets will be sold.
This is the second annual President’s Day weekend presentation of this concert.  Last year’s concert and a short documentary on it can be viewed here.
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  1. Orthodox Collective on February 15, 2013 at 7:27 pm

    […] Feb 15th 10:10 amclick to expand…A New Performance of “Two Paths Diverged at the Wood” https://orthodoxartsjournal.org/a-new-performance-of-two-paths-diverged-at-the-wood/Friday, Feb 15th 5:57 pmclick to expand…I was browsing online; boredom had set in as I could no […]

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