Posts Tagged ‘teaching’
A North American Master of Sacred Arts Program
The first person to ever write about my carvings was David Clayton, who at the time was blogging for New Liturgical Movement. Since then David and I have kept in contact as he wrote his first book and has now gone on to start the first Master’s Degree of Sacred Art program in North America. This…
Continue reading »Interview with Daniel Neculae
(Editor’s note: A few years ago we introduced our readers to the luscious work of Daniel Neculae, a Romanian iconographer now living in Luxembourg. Last year Daniel gave his first workshop in the US which was attended Marek Czarnecki, veteran American iconographer and teacher himself who agreed to conduct and edit this interview for us.)…
Continue reading »Today and Tomorrow: Principles in the Training of Future Iconographers pt.2
This is post 2 of 2 in the series “Today and Tomorrow: Principles in the Training of Future Iconographers” Aidan Hart looks at principles of style, composition and fabrication in icons, how these are meaningful in our consideration of iconography and how such considerations should be transmitted to the next generation of artists. Today and…
Continue reading »The Bethlehem Icon Centre
Editorial Note: In the light of recent events in Gaza, I asked Ian Knowles the Director of the Bethlehem Icon Center to introduce us to this wonderful project. In such a desperate political situation, sacred art has been focal point to bring about collaboration between Orthodox, Coptic, Catholic and Syrian Palestinians in the desire to…
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