Posts Tagged ‘nous’
Imagination, Expression, Icon…Pt. III: Concerning Expression
This is part 3 of a series: Part 1, Part 2. In general the artificial image, modeled after its prototype, brings the likeness of the prototype into matter and acquires a share in its form by means of the thought of the artists and the impress of his hands. This is true of the…
Continue reading »Imagination, Expression, Icon… Pt. II: Concerning Nous, Techne & Tradition
This is part 2 of a series: Part 1 Because they are the works of God, who is Himself good, the senses and sensible objects are good; but they cannot in any way be compared with the intellect [nous] and with intelligible realities. -St. Thalassios, On Love, Self-control and Life in Accordance with the…
Continue reading »TED Talk on Iconography
Lynette Hull, an American iconographer part of the Prosopon School has recently given a twenty minute presentation on Iconography which is part of a TEDx event. TED is a hip technology, education and design non-profit organization that gives conferences and organizes events. It is seen as the leading place to get a glimpse of new burgeoning…
Continue reading »Towards Indigenous and Mature Liturgical Arts
We often hear it said that traditional Orthodox liturgical arts are reviving. But how far advanced is this revival, how mature is it, and what in fact are we reviving? In this article I would like to stimulate discussion by briefly considering three related subjects: indigenous iconography, maturity, and features of a healthy climate that…
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