Posts Tagged ‘bible’
Divine Patterns in the Life of Moses
This is post 2 of 2 in the series “Divine Patterns In Story and Image” Jonathan Pageau traces the patterns in Biblical stories and the Church Fathers, showing how they repeat themselves everywhere and act as a cosmic map. Divine Patterns in Story and Image pt.1 Divine Patterns in the Life of Moses Divine Patters…
Continue reading »Heaven Is Round. Earth Is Square.
This is post 4 of 4 in the series “Ancient Cosmology Today” Jonathan Pageau uses a phenomenological approach to explain traditional cosmology and its symbolism, explaining in what manner it is crucial to our experience of being in the world. Most of The Time The Earth Is Flat. Where is Heaven? Heaven and Earth in…
Continue reading »What is missing from Aronofsky’s Noah
In many of my past articles I have explored the symbolism of death and how it is related in the Bible and by our Tradition to the arts and technology, to hybridity and the foreigner, the serpent, to the cave, to Cain, to animality and to periphery in general. Aranofsky’s recent Noah movie deals intently with many…
Continue reading »The Theology of the Icon as a Hermeneutic Tool in the Dialog between Science and Religion: Part Two
This is post 2 of 2 in the series “The Theology of the Icon as a Hermeneutic Tool in the Dialog between Science and Religion” fr. Steven Bigham Looks at scripture through the lens of iconography so to propose an “iconic” reading of the Bible. The Theology of the Icon as a Hermeneutic Tool in…
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