Posts Tagged ‘bell ringing’
An Interview with Constantine Stade of New Creation Bellringing
Constantine Stade is an expert in bellringing in the Russian Tradition. In 2018, he founded New Creation Bellringing, a consultation service that assists American churches in setting up bells and properly ringing them. A. Gould: How did you become interested in the art of Russian bell ringing? C. Stade: The sound of Orthodox church bells…
Continue reading »Bell Ringing in Scripture and Liturgy, from BLAGOVEST BELLS
Dear Readers, We have had a request for articles on liturgical bell ringing, so I am pleased to offer this excellent piece prepared by Mark Galperin and John Burnett of BLAGOVEST BELLS: Dear Brothers and Sisters: Church bell ringing is an intrinsic and permanent part of the Orthodox liturgical and musical tradition. It is deeply rooted…
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