Divine Temple 2012

By Fr. Patrick O'Rourke on July 5, 2012

I would like to draw the reader’s attention to this wonderful publication from Russia.

Kolomenskaya Versta Ltd. produces albums, manuals, catalogs and postcards featuring and publicizing contemporary iconography and liturgical art. The fourth edition of their catalog of iconographers, “Divine Temple”  is now available. It is printed in English and Russian.

From the publisher:

We also have an annual project – a  catalog called “Divine Temple” . This project is completely open and virtually anyone can take part in it. By promoting this edition, we aim to establish communication between the masters of different schools, countries with different experiences. In addition, we see that interest in icons and other ecclesiastical arts has only grown. Not only the temples and churches are in their search for suitable masters, but also ordinary people often want to have [icons] around the house . With the project “Divine Temple” we also hope to help these people and institutions find their masters.

This year’s edition is 148 pages, featuring 33 artists from nine countries, seven studios/communities, and has seven articles, including one detailing the recent restoration of the Naval Cathedral of St. Nicholas in Kronstadt. It can be purchased here. The cost is 30 EUR or about $41 (US).

Space in the catalog is available to any iconographer who buys it, so I cannot speak to the quality of the work of all 33 artists. Among those 33 though are some of the most world renowned artists, like Dr. George Kordis.

A page from the catalog, featuring Dr. George Kordis.

“Divine Temple” would make for a great resource for a parish looking to hire an iconographer, an individual hoping to commission a panel icon, or for the general iconophile looking for a great coffee table book.

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  1. Fr. Silouan on November 1, 2012 at 1:22 pm

    I’m very interested in submitting material to be included in the next annual catalog of “Divine Temple”, how can I best begin that process?
    Eagerly waiting for your reply.

    Fr. Silouan

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